Request for Quotation FormKings Materials Pte Ltd2020-05-05T02:35:30+08:00 ON TIME DELIVERY We Provide Prompt Deliveries BEST PRICE OFFERING We Offer Only the Best Prices REGIONAL DISTRIBUTOR We Procure and Supply Regionally Request a Custom Quotation DescriptionPlease describe on the use of your end products, products' specifications, the materials to be used for the different parts or all other matters.File UploadWe accept the following files formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF, AI, EPS, PSD. Please provide files with reasonable quality to ensure fast processing of your orders. Drop files here or Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, ai, eps, psd. Name*How can we address you? First Last Contact*Pass us your contact details so that we can reach you easier!Email Address*Pass us your contact details so that we can reach you easier! Company's Information*If you are purchasing for personal use, please indicate "N.A." here. Thank you.Verification and AuthenticationPlease complete the verification and authentication before submitting the form.Quotation IDUnique IDEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.